
So not many annuals out there this year was there. So here’s one from a bygone age. The Denis Law Book of Soccer No.2. I featured a John Greig one a few months back and the make up is fairly similar; articles ghost written by the stars of the day and lumped together in the one book with the cover star getting a few extra pieces.
In this one we have pieces written by George Best, Terry Paine but a host of Scots too; Pat Crerand on the ‘Battles of Hampden and Wembley’, Billy McNeill on ‘Hampden – The Home of Football’ and Jim Baxter on ‘Is the game faster in England’ – apparently it was but Jim did admit that in Scotland he quite often had games that weren’t that intense throughout the season. Bobby Collins, Matt Busby and Ian St. John also contribute.
Denis himself gets to write about the ‘Selection, Care and Maintenance of Gear’, ‘ The Game’s Greatest Honour’ which for Denis was playing for Scotland and other things.
As to the photos it’s all black and white shots and although ether’s nothing too great there are some I might use in future. As far as I know the Denis Law book of Soccer only reached number 4. This one is dated 1967. The front cover photo is Denis scoring against England in the 1966 4-3 defeat at Hampden.